The love is not enough

Lunar Birch
1 min readAug 21, 2022

Tension and Resonance

plywood photo: Valerie Moran-Clark

When you kiss me , I kiss you

We breathe life breath inspired high

Dangerous insanity unclean immoral

And dirty.

For your hands are no rougher than mine

And there are no sins that cannot be forgiven in time.

The time we spend suspends the day framed by light

The sun rises bright to blind the lines under your eyes

White fire inside your the mist that swells and sinks down into the bog clutching my arm above.

Sinking deep and choking to speak this is just a dream just black it seems.

A black coat it covers not legs but arms and necks and hearts unstabbed are exposed. It shields the waist so I slip my hand quick.

A flinch a cough choking a laugh smirking.

Look away around at the passing frowned, they the them all abound

Through the light the light illuminates that light that first refracted or reflected your eyes white fire.

For the bluest red blood bruised you fool you stumble, keep unstuck instead.



Lunar Birch

Piecing together the fragments of a shattered story. instagram: @blahceev